Aa (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. basaltic lava having a rough surface.
  1. (in prescriptions) ana2.
  1. administrative assistant.
  1. a proportional shoe width size, narrower than A and wider than AAA.
  2. the smallest proportional brassiere cup size.
  3. a quality rating for a corporate or municipal bond, lower than AAA and higher than A.
  4. a battery size for 1.5-volt dry cells: diameter, 0.6 inch (1.4 centimeters); length, 2 inches (5 centimeters).
  5. a designation for motion pictures certified as unsuitable for children under 14 unless accompanied by an adult.
  1. author's alteration.
abbreviation, noun
  1. Alcoholics Anonymous.
  1. antiaircraft.
  2. Associate in Accounting.
  3. Associate of Arts.
  1. a volcanic rock consisting of angular blocks of lava with a very rough surface
abbreviation for
  1. ana 1
abbreviation for
  1. Alcoholics Anonymous
  2. anti-aircraft
  3. Architectural Association
  4. (in Britain) Automobile Association
  5. (in Britain) Advertising Association
symbol for
  1. (in Britain, formerly) a film that may not be shown publicly to a child under fourteen
    Aa (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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