Above (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. in, at, or to a higher place.
  2. overhead, upstairs, or in the sky: My brother lives in the apartment above. A flock of birds circled above.
  3. higher in rank, authority, or power: She was told to speak to the person above.
  4. higher in quantity or number: books with 100 pages and above.
  5. before or earlier, especially in a book or other piece of writing; foregoing: the remark quoted above.
  6. in or to heaven: gone to her eternal rest above.
  7. on the upper or dorsal side.
  8. upstage.
  9. higher than zero on the temperature scale: The temperature dropped to ten above this morning.
  1. in or to a higher place than; over: to fly above the clouds;the floor above ours.
  2. more in quantity or number than; in excess of: The program is open to all girls above six years of age.The weight is above a ton.
  3. superior in rank, authority, or standing to: A captain is above a lieutenant.
  4. beyond the reach of or exempted from (dishonorable thoughts or deeds), especially in the eyes of others: So scrupulously had she maintained her reputation that she was above suspicion.As professional adults, we ought to be above bad behavior.
  5. too honorable a character; too good for: He refused to participate, being above such trickery.
  6. rather than; in preference to: to favor one child above the other.
  7. beyond, especially north of: six miles above Baltimore.
  8. upstage of.
  1. said, mentioned, or written above; foregoing: the above explanation.
  1. something that was said, mentioned, or written above: to refer to the above.
  2. the person or persons previously indicated: The above will all stand trial.
  3. heaven: truly a gift from above.
  4. a higher authority: an order from above.
  1. See entry at above all.
  1. on top of or higher than; over
  2. greater than in quantity or degree
  3. superior to or prior to
  4. too honourable or high-minded for
  5. too respected for; beyond
  6. too difficult to be understood by
  7. louder or higher than (other noise)
  8. in preference to
  9. north of
  10. upstream from
  11. most of all; especially
  12. in addition to
  13. presumptuous or conceited
  1. in or to a higher place
    • in a previous place (in something written)
    • (in combination)
  2. higher in rank or position
  3. in or concerned with heaven
  1. something that is above or previously mentioned
  1. mentioned or appearing in a previous place (in something written)
Above (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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