Accessible (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, or use.
  2. able to be used, entered, reached, etc.: an accessible road; accessible Mayan ruins.
  3. suitable for disabled people to reach, enter, or use, as a result of design modifications: wheelchair-accessible vans;modified controllers to make video games accessible.
  4. readily understandable: Students may believe that poetry is not accessible because of its metaphorical language.
  5. obtainable; attainable: accessible evidence.
  6. open to the influence of (usually followed by to): accessible to bribery.
  1. easy to approach, enter, use, or understand
  2. likely to be affected by; open to; susceptible to
  3. obtainable; available
  4. easy for disabled people to enter or use
  5. (of a possible world) surveyable from some other world so that the truth value of statements about it can be known. A statement possibly p is true in a world W if and only if p is true in some worlds accessible to W
Accessible (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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