Against (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or hostile to: twenty votes against ten;against reason.
  2. in resistance to or defense from: protection against burglars.
  3. in an opposite direction to: to ride against the wind.
  4. into contact or collision with; toward; upon: The rain beat against the window.
  5. in contact with: to lean against the wall.
  6. in preparation for; in provision for: money saved against a rainy day.
  7. having as background: a design of flowers against a dark wall.
  8. in exchange for; as a balance to or debit or charge on: He asked for an advance against his salary.
  9. in competition with: a racehorse running against his own record time.
  10. in comparison or contrast with: a matter of reason as against emotion.
  11. beside; near; before: The car is against the building.
  1. before; by the time that.
  1. over against,
    • positioned across from or opposite; facing: The debate teams were seated over against each other.
    • in contrast with: rich people over against poor people.
  1. opposed to; in conflict or disagreement with
  2. standing or leaning beside or in front of
  3. coming in contact with
  4. in contrast to
  5. having an adverse or unfavourable effect on
  6. as a protection from or means of defence from the adverse effects of
  7. in exchange for or in return for
  8. in preparation for
  9. as opposed to or as compared with
Against (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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