Agglutination (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act or process of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance.
  2. the state of being thus united; adhesion of parts.
  3. that which is united; a mass or group cemented together.
  4. the clumping of bacteria, red blood cells, or other cells, due to the introduction of an antibody.
  5. a process of word formation in which morphemes, each having one relatively constant shape, are combined without fusion or morphophonemic change, and in which each grammatical category is typically represented by a single morpheme in the resulting word, especially such a process involving the addition of one or more affixes to a base, as in Turkish, in which ev means “house,” ev-den means “from a house,” and ev-ler-den means “from houses.”
  1. the act or process of agglutinating
  2. the condition of being agglutinated; adhesion
  3. a united mass or group of parts
  4. the formation of clumps of particles in a suspension
  5. proteinaceous particles, such as blood cells and bacteria, that form clumps in antibody–antigen reactions
  6. the formation of a mass of particles, such as erythrocytes, by the action of antibodies
  7. the building up of words from component morphemes in such a way that these undergo little or no change of form or meaning in the process of combination
    Agglutination (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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