Aggressive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward or menacing: aggressive acts against a neighboring country.
  2. making an all-out effort to win or succeed; competitive: an aggressive basketball player.
  3. vigorously energetic, especially in the use of initiative and forcefulness: an aggressive salesperson.
  4. boldly assertive and forward; pushy: an aggressive driver.
  5. emphasizing maximum growth and capital gains over quality, security, and income: an aggressive mutual fund.
  6. Medicine/Medical.
    • (of a disease or tumor) growing or spreading rapidly; highly invasive; difficult or impossible to treat successfully: aggressive brain lesions.
    • pertaining to a risky surgery or treatment, or to a medication that has grave side effects: aggressive chemotherapy.
  7. (of a plant) spreading more rapidly than is desirable; tending to spread where not wanted: The joe-pye weed may be too aggressive to contain in the small area you’ve designated.
  1. quarrelsome or belligerent
  2. assertive; vigorous
Aggressive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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