Alive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless.
  2. living (used for emphasis): the proudest man alive.
  3. in a state of action; in force or operation; active: to keep hope alive.
  4. full of energy and spirit; lively: Grandmother's more alive than most of her contemporaries.
  5. having the quality of life; vivid; vibrant: The room was alive with color.
  6. live2 (def. 13).
  1. alert or sensitive to; aware of: City planners are alive to the necessity of revitalizing deteriorating neighborhoods.
  2. filled with living things; swarming; teeming: The room was alive with mosquitoes.
  3. pay attention! move quickly!: Look alive! We haven't got all day.
adjective (postpositive)
  1. (of people, animals, plants, etc) living; having life
  2. in existence; active
  3. of those living; now living
  4. full of life; lively
  5. animated
  6. aware (of); sensitive (to)
  7. teeming (with)
  8. electronics another word for live 2 (def. 11)
  9. (of a person) active and in good health
  10. hurry up! get busy!
Alive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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