Amen (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. it is so; so be it (used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement to express solemn ratification or agreement).
  1. verily; truly.
  1. an utterance of the interjection “amen.”
  2. a musical setting for such an utterance.
  3. an expression of concurrence or assent: The committee gave its amen to the proposal.
noun Egyptian Mythology.
  1. a primeval deity worshiped especially at Thebes, the personification of air or breath represented as either a ram or a goose (later identified with Amen-Ra).
  1. so be it!: a term used at the end of a prayer or religious statement
  1. the use of the word amen, as at the end of a prayer
  2. to express strong approval of or support for (an assertion, hope, etc)
  1. a local Theban god, having a ram's head and symbolizing life and fertility, identified by the Egyptians with the national deity Amen-Ra
Amen (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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