Ammonite (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the coiled, chambered fossil shell of an ammonoid.
  1. a nitrogenous mixture consisting chiefly of dried animal fats, usually obtained from livestock carcasses, and used as a fertilizer.
  1. an inhabitant of Ammon.
  1. of or relating to the Ammonites.
  1. any extinct marine cephalopod mollusc of the order Ammonoidea, which were common in Mesozoic times and generally had a coiled partitioned shell. Their closest modern relative is the pearly nautilus
  2. the shell of any of these animals, commonly occurring as a fossil
  1. an explosive consisting mainly of ammonium nitrate with smaller amounts of other substances, such as TNT
  2. a nitrogenous fertilizer made from animal wastes
    Ammonite (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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