Anchorage (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. that portion of a harbor or area outside a harbor suitable for anchoring or in which ships are permitted to anchor.
  2. a charge for occupying such an area.
  3. the act of anchoring or the state of being anchored.
  4. that to which anything is fastened.
  5. a means of anchoring or making fast.
  6. something that can be relied on: The Bible is her anchorage.
  7. (in a suspension bridge) a massive masonry or concrete construction securing a cable at each end.
  8. Dentistry.
    • an abutment.
    • the locking in of a tooth filling by means of an undercut.
  1. a seaport in S Alaska: earthquake 1964.
  1. the act of anchoring
  2. any place where a vessel is anchored
  3. a place designated for vessels to anchor
  4. a fee imposed for anchoring
  5. anything used as an anchor
  6. a source of security or strength
  7. something that supplies a secure hold for something else
  1. the cell or retreat of an anchorite
  1. the largest city in Alaska, a port in the south, at the head of Cook Inlet. Pop: 270 951 (2003 est)
Anchorage (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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