Annihilation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an act or instance of annihilating, or of completely destroying or defeating someone or something: the brutal annihilation of millions of people.
  2. the state of being annihilated; total destruction; extinction: fear of nuclear annihilation.
  3. Physics.
    • the process in which a particle and antiparticle unite, annihilate each other, and produce one or more photons.
    • the conversion of rest mass into energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
  1. total destruction
  2. the act of annihilating
  3. the destruction of a particle and its antiparticle when they collide. The annihilation of an electron with a positron generates two or, very rarely, three photons of annihilation radiation . The annihilation of a nucleon with its antiparticle generates several pions
Annihilation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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