Apo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an active volcano in the S Philippines, on S Mindanao: highest peak in the Philippines. 9,690 feet (2,954 meters).
  1. a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Greek, where it was joined to verbs, deverbal forms, and other parts of speech. Among its functions in Greek, apo- has the spatial sense “away, off, apart” (apogee; apocope; apostasy; apostrophe); it occurs with deverbals that denote a response or defense (apodosis; apology) and is found on verbs having perfective force relative to a corresponding simple verb (apoplexy; aposiopesis). In modern scientific coinages in English and other languages, apo- marks things that are detached, separate, or derivative (apocarpous; apoenzyme).
  1. Army & Air Force Post Office.
  1. the highest mountain in the Philippines, on SE Mindanao: active volcano with three peaks. Height: 2954 m (9690 ft)
  1. away from; off
  2. indicating separation of
  3. indicating a lack or absence of
  4. indicating derivation from or relationship to
Apo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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