Appendix (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural ap·pen·di·ces [uh-pen-duh-seez], /əˈpɛn dəˌsiz/, ap·pen·dix·es.
  1. supplementary material at the end of a book, article, document, or other text, usually of an explanatory, statistical, or bibliographic nature.
  2. an appendage.
  3. Anatomy.
  4. the short tube at the bottom of a balloon bag, by which the intake and release of buoyant gas is controlled.
noun plural -dices (-dɪˌsiːz) or -dixes
  1. a body of separate additional material at the end of a book, magazine, etc, esp one that is documentary or explanatory
  2. any part that is dependent or supplementary in nature or function; appendage
  3. anatomy See vermiform appendix
Plural appendixes appendices (ə-pĕn-dĭ-sēz′)
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