Award (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to give as due or merited; assign or bestow: to award prizes.
  2. to bestow by judicial decree; assign or appoint by deliberate judgment, as in arbitration: The plaintiff was awarded damages of $100,000.
  1. something awarded, as a payment or medal.
  2. Law.
    • a decision after consideration; a judicial sentence.
    • the decision of arbitrators on a matter submitted to them.
verb (tr)
  1. to give (something due), esp as a reward for merit
  2. to declare to be entitled, as by decision of a court of law or an arbitrator
  1. something awarded, such as a prize or medal
  2. (in Australia and New Zealand) the amount of an award wage (esp in the phrase above award)
  3. law
    • the decision of an arbitrator
    • a grant made by a court of law, esp of damages in a civil action
Award (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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