Ba (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Egyptian Religion.
  1. an aspect of the soul, represented as a human-headed bird.
Symbol, Chemistry.
  1. barium.
  1. banker's acceptance.
  1. the second letter of the Arabic alphabet.
  1. bath.
  2. bathroom.
  1. Bachelor of Arts.
  1. bastard amber.
  2. batting average.
  3. British Academy.
  4. British America.
  5. British Association (for Advancement of Science).
  6. Buenos Aires.
the internet domain name for
  1. Bosnia-Herzegovina
noun Scot
  1. a game somewhat like rugby played in Orkney at Christmas and New Year between two very large teams of players
  2. a similar game played at Jedburgh in the Scottish Borders in mid-February
  3. the stuffed leather ball used in these games
  1. the soul, represented as a bird with a human head
the chemical symbol for
  1. barium
abbreviation for
  1. Bachelor of Arts
  2. British Academy
  3. British Airways
  4. British Association (for the Advancement of Science)
  5. British Association screw thread
    Ba (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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