Baby (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural ba·bies.
  1. an infant or very young child.
  2. a newborn or very young animal.
  3. the youngest member of a family, group, etc.: I was the baby of the family for ten years, until my twin brothers were born.
  4. an adult who behaves like a child; an immature, helpless, or fearful person: Just swallow the medicine—don't be such a baby!
  5. a human fetus: The baby hasn’t arrived yet, but the nursery is ready.
  6. Informal.
    • a girl or woman, especially an attractive one.
    • a person of whom one is deeply fond; sweetheart.
    • an affectionate or familiar address (sometimes offensive when used to strangers, casual acquaintances, subordinates, etc., especially by a male to a female).
    • a man or boy; fellow: He's a tough baby to have to deal with.
    • an invention, creation, project, or the like that requires one's special attention or expertise or of which one is especially proud: His charitable foundation is his baby and it truly shows.
    • an object; thing: Those big babies can carry a lot of cargo.
  1. of or suitable for a baby: baby clothes.
  2. of or like a baby; infantile: baby skin.
  3. treating babies: a baby doctor.
  4. small; comparatively little: baby eggplants.
verb (used with object), ba·bied, ba·by·ing.
  1. to treat like a young child; pamper: She still babies her son although he's nearly 24.
  2. to handle or use with special care; treat gently.
noun plural -bies
    • a newborn or recently born child; infant
    • (as modifier)
  1. an unborn child; fetus
  2. the youngest or smallest of a family or group
    • a newborn or recently born animal
    • (as modifier)
  3. an immature person
  4. a young woman or sweetheart: often used as a term of address expressing affection
  5. a project of personal concern
  6. to be left with the responsibility
  7. to lose the essential element by indiscriminate rejection
  1. comparatively small of its type
verb -bies, -bying or -bied (tr)
  1. to treat with love and attention
  2. to treat (someone) like a baby; pamper or overprotect
Baby (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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