Backhand (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a stroke, slap, etc., made with the palm of the hand turned toward the body and the back of the hand turned in the direction of the stroke, slap, etc.
  2. (in tennis, squash, etc.) a stroke made from the side of the body opposite to that of the hand holding the racket, paddle, etc.
  3. handwriting that slopes toward the left.
  1. backhanded.
  2. (in tennis, squash, etc.) of, relating to, or noting a stroke made from the side of the body opposite to that of the hand holding the racket, paddle, etc.
  1. with the back of the hand: He hit him backhand across the face.
  2. from across the body; backhanded: She returned the ball backhand on the first serve.
verb (used with object)
  1. to strike with the back of the hand.
  2. to hit, produce, or accomplish with a backhand.
  3. to catch (a ball or the like) backhanded.
  1. sport
    • a stroke made across the body with the back of the hand facing the direction of the stroke
    • (as modifier)
  2. the side on which backhand strokes are made
  3. handwriting slanting to the left
  1. with a backhand stroke
verb (tr)
  1. to play (a shot) backhand
Backhand (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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