Bang (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a loud, sudden, explosive noise, as the discharge of a gun.
  2. a resounding stroke or blow: a nasty bang on the head.
  3. a sudden movement or show of energy: He started with a bang.
  4. energy; vitality; spirit: The bang has gone out of my work.
  5. sudden or intense pleasure; thrill; excitement: a big bang out of seeing movies.
  6. an act or instance of sexual intercourse.
  7. an exclamation point.
verb (used with object)
  1. to strike or beat resoundingly; pound: to bang a door.
  2. to hit or bump painfully: to bang one's ankle on a chair leg.
  3. to throw or set down roughly; slam: He banged the plates on the table.
  4. to have sexual intercourse with.
verb (used without object)
  1. to strike violently or noisily: to bang on the door.
  2. to make a loud, sudden, explosive noise like that of a violent blow: The guns banged all night.
  3. to have sexual intercourse.
  1. suddenly and loudly; abruptly or violently: She fell bang against the wall.
  2. precisely; directly; right: He stood bang in the middle of the flower bed.
Verb Phrases
  1. to collide with; bump into: The truck skidded on the ice and banged into a parked car.
  2. to damage: A passing car banged up our fender.
  1. immediately; right away.
  2. terrific; marvelous; just right: That hat is absolutely bang on.
  3. dead to rights: They caught us bang to rights, so there was no point pretending we were innocent.
  1. a fringe of hair combed or brushed forward over the forehead.
verb (used with object)
  1. to cut (the hair) so as to form a fringe over the forehead.
  2. to dock (the tail of a horse or dog).
  1. bhang.
  1. a short loud explosive noise, as of the bursting of a balloon or the report of a gun
  2. a hard blow or knock, esp a noisy one; thump
  3. a startling or sudden effect
  4. an injection of heroin or other narcotic
  5. an act of sexual intercourse
  6. to experience a thrill or excitement from
  7. successfully
  1. to hit or knock, esp with a loud noise; bump
  2. to move noisily or clumsily
  3. to close (a door, window, etc) or (of a door, etc) be closed noisily; slam
  4. to cause to move by hitting vigorously
  5. to make or cause to make a loud noise, as of an explosion
  6. (tr) British
    • to cause (stock prices) to fall by rapid selling
    • to sell rapidly in (a stock market), thus causing prices to fall
  7. to have sexual intercourse with
  8. to inject heroin, etc
  9. value for money
  10. that is the end of
  11. to try to achieve something impossible
  1. with a sudden impact or effect
  2. precisely
  3. caught red-handed
  4. to burst, shut, etc, with a loud noise
  1. a fringe or section of hair cut straight across the forehead
verb (tr)
  1. to cut (the hair) in such a style
  2. to dock (the tail of a horse, etc)
  1. a variant spelling of bhang
Bang (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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