Barren (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. not producing or incapable of producing offspring; sterile: a barren woman.
  2. unproductive; unfruitful: barren land.
  3. without capacity to interest or attract: a barren period in American architecture.
  4. mentally unproductive; dull; stupid.
  5. not producing results; fruitless: a barren effort.
  6. destitute; bereft; lacking (usually followed by of): barren of tender feelings.
  1. level or slightly rolling land, usually with a sandy soil and few trees, and relatively infertile.
  1. incapable of producing offspring, seed, or fruit; sterile
  2. unable to support the growth of crops, etc; unproductive; bare
  3. lacking in stimulation or ideas; dull
  4. not producing worthwhile results; unprofitable
  5. totally lacking (in); devoid (of)
  6. (of rock strata) having no fossils
Barren (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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