Baseness (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the state or quality of being dishonorable, cowardly, selfish, or mean-spirited; morally despicable character: He says that this sort of advertising reflects “the baseness and moral depravity of the present culture.”
  2. lack of value; relative worthlessness: Despite the rust spots and the baseness of the metal, these antique iron door knockers are still beautiful.
  3. the quality of being menial or undignified: He helped with the farm chores, without balking at the baseness of any task that was asked of him.
  4. illegitimacy of birth: The usurper’s enemies decried the baseness of his birth—he was the late king’s bastard son.
  5. the quality or condition of being unrefined, unsophisticated, or of low social status: The baseness of their position could not detract from the nobility of their character.
Baseness (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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