Basin (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a circular container with a greater width than depth, becoming smaller toward the bottom, used chiefly to hold water or other liquid, especially for washing.
  2. any container of similar shape, as the pan of a balance.
  3. the quantity held by such a container: We need another basin of water to dilute the mixture.
  4. a natural or artificial hollow place containing water.
  5. a partially enclosed, sheltered area along a shore, often partly man-made or dredged to a greater depth, where boats may be moored: a yacht basin.
  6. an area in which the strata dip from the margins toward a common center.
  7. Physical Geography.
    • a hollow or depression in the earth's surface, wholly or partly surrounded by higher land: river basin.
    • drainage basin.
  8. the depression in an apple, pear, or other pome at the end opposite the stem.
  1. a round container open and wide at the top with sides sloping inwards towards the bottom or base, esp one in which liquids are mixed or stored
  2. the amount a basin will hold
  3. a washbasin or sink
  4. any partially enclosed or sheltered area where vessels may be moored or docked
  5. the catchment area of a particular river and its tributaries or of a lake or sea
  6. a depression in the earth's surface
  7. a part of the earth's surface consisting of rock strata that slope down to a common centre
    Basin (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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