Baton (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a wand used by a conductor.
  2. a rod of lightweight metal fitted with a weighted bulb at each end and carried and twirled by a drum major or majorette.
  3. a hollow rod of wood, paper, or plastic that is passed during a race from one member of a relay team to the next in a prescribed area.
  4. a staff, club, or truncheon, especially one serving as a mark of office or authority.
  5. Heraldry.
    • a diminutive of the bend sinister, couped at the extremities: used in England as a mark of bastardy.
    • a similar diminutive of the ordinary bend.
  1. a thin stick used by the conductor of an orchestra, choir, etc, to indicate rhythm or expression
    • a short stick carried for use as a weapon, as by a policeman; truncheon
    • (as modifier)
  2. a short bar carried by a competitor in a relay race and transferred to the next runner at the end of each stage
  3. a long stick with a knob on one end, carried, twirled, and thrown up and down by a drum major or drum majorette, esp at the head of a parade
  4. a staff or club carried by an official as a symbol of authority
  5. a single narrow diagonal line superimposed on all other charges, esp one curtailed at each end, signifying a bastard line
Baton (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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