BB (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a size of shot, 0.18 inch (0.46 centimeter) in diameter, fired from an air rifle or BB gun.
  2. shot of this size.
  1. a quality rating for a corporate or municipal bond, lower than BBB and higher than B.
  1. ball bearing.
  2. base on balls; bases on balls.
  1. bail bond.
  2. baseboard.
  1. bottled in bond.
  1. bail bond.
  2. Blue Book.
  3. B'nai B'rith.
  4. Bureau of the Budget.
the internet domain name for
  1. Barbados
abbreviation for
  1. Boys' Brigade
symbol for
  1. double black: denoting a very soft lead
BB (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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