Beta (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the second letter of the Greek alphabet (β, B).
  2. the consonant sound represented by the second letter of the Greek alphabet.
  3. a star that is usually the second brightest of a constellation: The second brightest star in Taurus is Beta Tauri.
  4. Chemistry.
    • one of the possible positions of an atom or group in a compound.
    • one of two or more isomeric compounds.
  5. the second of any series, as in chemistry or physics.
  6. an arbitrary measure of the volatility of a given stock using an index of the volatility of the market as a whole: A beta of 1.1 indicates a stock that is 10 percent more volatile than the market.
  7. the phase of hardware or software development in which a beta test occurs: Our newest product, currently in beta with new features being added regularly, is perfect for busy professionals who need to organize their calendars.
  8. a brand of tape format for VCR tape, incompatible with other formats.
  9. a grade showing that a student is in the middle or second of three scholastic sections in a class.
  10. beta male.
  1. being, relating to, or undergoing the phase of product development in which a beta test occurs: The beta version of the new game, featuring a four-player mode, will be unveiled next month.
    • (of an animal) having the second-highest rank in a dominance hierarchy: the beta female in a pack of meerkats.
    • being or relating to a man who is perceived to be weak, mild-mannered, and unimpressive.
  1. the second letter in the Greek alphabet (Β, β), a consonant, transliterated as b
  2. the second highest grade or mark, as in an examination
  3. (modifier)
    • involving or relating to electrons
    • relating to one of two or more allotropes or crystal structures of a solid
    • relating to one of two or more isomeric forms of a chemical compound
  1. a star in a constellation, usually the second brightest
Beta (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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