Bind (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), bound, bind·ing.
  1. to fasten or secure with a band or bond.
  2. to encircle with a band or ligature: She bound her hair with a ribbon.
  3. to swathe or bandage (often followed by up): to bind up one's wounds.
  4. to fasten around; fix in place by girding: They bound his hands behind him.
  5. to tie up (anything, as sheaves of grain).
  6. to cause to cohere: Ice bound the soil.
  7. to unite by any legal or moral tie: to be bound by a contract.
  8. to hold to a particular state, place, employment, etc.: Business kept him bound to the city.
  9. to place under obligation or compulsion (usually used passively): We are bound by good sense to obey the country's laws.
  10. to put under legal obligation, as to keep the peace or appear as a witness (often followed by over): This action binds them to keep the peace. He was bound over to the grand jury.
  11. to make compulsory or obligatory: to bind the order with a deposit.
  12. to fasten or secure within a cover, as a book: They will bind the new book in leather.
  13. to cover the edge of, as for protection or ornament: to bind a carpet.
  14. (of clothing) to chafe or restrict (the wearer): This shirt binds me under the arms.
  15. to hinder or restrain (the bowels) from their natural function; constipate.
  16. to indenture as an apprentice (often followed by out): In his youth his father bound him to a blacksmith.
verb (used without object), bound, bind·ing.
  1. to become compact or solid; cohere: The eggs and the flour bind, creating a stable cake.
  2. to be obligatory: It is a duty that binds.
  3. to chafe or restrict, as poorly fitting garments: This jacket binds through the shoulders.
  4. to get stuck or cease to move freely: Overheating made the drill bit bind in the wood.
  5. to temporarily flatten one's breast tissue using compression garments or strips of fabric, often done by gender-diverse people as part of their gender expression: I feel pretty masculine today, so I think I'll bind.
  6. (of a hawk) to grapple or grasp prey firmly in flight (usually followed by to): The falcon binds to the pheasant and then carries it to the hunter.
  1. the act or process of binding; the state or instance of being bound.
  2. something that binds.
  3. a difficult situation or predicament: This schedule has us in a bind.
  4. a tie, slur, or brace.
  5. the act of binding to prey in flight.
Verb Phrases
  1. to loop (one stitch) over another in making an edge on knitted fabric.
verb binds, binding or bound
  1. to make or become fast or secure with or as if with a tie or band
  2. to encircle or enclose with a band
  3. to place (someone) under obligation; oblige
  4. to impose legal obligations or duties upon (a person or party to an agreement)
  5. to make (a bargain, agreement, etc) irrevocable; seal
  6. to restrain or confine with or as if with ties, as of responsibility or loyalty
  7. to place under certain constraints; govern
  8. to bandage or swathe
  9. to cohere or stick or cause to cohere or stick
  10. to make or become compact, stiff, or hard
    • to enclose and fasten (the pages of a book) between covers
    • (of a book) to undergo this process
  11. to provide (a garment, hem, etc) with a border or edging, as for decoration or to prevent fraying
  12. to employ as an apprentice; indenture
  13. to complain
  14. to bring (a variable) into the scope of an appropriate quantifier
  1. something that binds
  2. the act of binding or state of being bound
  3. a difficult or annoying situation
  4. another word for bine
  5. music another word for tie (def. 17)
  6. clay between layers of coal
  7. a pushing movement with the blade made to force one's opponent's sword from one line into another
  8. a position in which one player's pawns have a hold on the centre that makes it difficult for the opponent to advance there
    Bind (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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