Bird Dog (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. one of any of various breeds of dogs trained to hunt or retrieve birds.
  2. a person hired to locate special items or people, especially a talent scout who seeks out promising athletes.
  3. a person who steals another person's date.
verb (used with object), bird-dogged, bird-dog·ging.Informal.
  1. to follow, watch carefully, or investigate.
  2. to seek out.
verb (used without object), bird-dogged, bird-dog·ging.
  1. to follow or watch carefully.
  2. to steal or attempt to steal another person's date.
  1. a dog used or trained to retrieve game birds after they are shot
verb bird-dog -dogs, -dogging or -dogged
  1. to control closely with unceasing vigilance
Bird Dog (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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