Bloom (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the flower of a plant.
  2. flowers collectively: the bloom of the cherry tree.
  3. state of having the buds opened: The gardens are all in bloom.
  4. a flourishing, healthy condition; the time or period of greatest beauty, artistry, etc.: the bloom of youth;the bloom of Romanticism.
  5. a glow or flush on the cheek indicative of youth and health: a serious illness that destroyed her bloom.
  6. the glossy, healthy appearance of the coat of an animal.
  7. a moist, lustrous appearance indicating freshness in fish.
  8. redness or a fresh appearance on the surface of meat.
  9. a whitish powdery deposit or coating, as on the surface of certain fruits and leaves: the bloom of the grape.
  10. any similar surface coating or appearance: the bloom of newly minted coins.
  11. any of certain minerals occurring as powdery coatings on rocks or other minerals.
  12. a clouded or dull area on a varnished or lacquered surface.
  13. the sudden development of conspicuous masses of organisms, as algae, on the surface of a body of water.
  14. image spread produced by excessive exposure of highlights in a television image.
verb (used without object)
  1. to produce or yield blossoms.
  2. to flourish or thrive: a recurrent fad that blooms from time to time.
  3. to be in or achieve a state of healthful beauty and vigor: a sickly child who suddenly bloomed;a small talent that somehow bloomed into major artistry.
  4. to glow with warmth or with a warm color.
verb (used with object)
  1. to cause to yield blossoms.
  2. to make bloom or cause to flourish: a happiness that blooms the cheek.
  3. to invest with luster or beauty: an industry that blooms one's talents.
  4. to cause a cloudy area on (something shiny); dampen; chill: Their breath bloomed the frosty pane.
  5. to coat (a lens) with an antireflection material.
  1. to remove the enjoyment or ultimate satisfaction from; dampen the enthusiasm over: The coach's illness took the bloom off the team's victory.
  2. the excitement, enjoyment, interest, etc., has ended or been dampened.
  1. a piece of steel, square or slightly oblong in section, reduced from an ingot to dimensions suitable for further rolling.
  2. a large lump of iron and slag, of pasty consistency when hot, produced in a puddling furnace or bloomery and hammered into wrought iron.
verb (used with object)
  1. to make (an ingot) into a bloom.
  1. U.S. literary critic and teacher.
  1. a blossom on a flowering plant; a flower
  2. the state, time, or period when flowers open (esp in the phrases in bloom, in full bloom)
  3. open flowers collectively
  4. a healthy, vigorous, or flourishing condition; prime (esp in the phrase the bloom of youth)
  5. youthful or healthy rosiness in the cheeks or face; glow
  6. a fine whitish coating on the surface of fruits, leaves, etc, consisting of minute grains of a waxy substance
  7. any coating similar in appearance, such as that on new coins
  8. a visible increase in the algal constituent of plankton, which may be seasonal or due to excessive organic pollution
  9. a dull area formed on the surface of gloss paint, lacquer, or varnish
verb (mainly intr)
  1. (of flowers) to open; come into flower
  2. to bear flowers; blossom
  3. to flourish or grow
  4. to be in a healthy, glowing, or flourishing condition
  5. to coat (a lens) with a thin layer of a substance, often magnesium fluoride, to eliminate surface reflection
  1. a rectangular mass of metal obtained by rolling or forging a cast ingot
  1. to convert (an ingot) into a bloom by rolling or forging
Bloom (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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