Blowout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a sudden bursting or rupture of an automobile tire.
  2. a sudden or violent escape of air, steam, or the like.
  3. a hollow formed in a region of shifting sands or light soil by the action of the wind.
  4. an uncontrollable escape of oil, gas, or water from a well.
  5. a service at a hair salon in which the hair is blow-dried and styled.
  6. flame-out.
  7. a lavish party or entertainment.
  8. a decisive victory or defeat.
  9. a sale featuring very large discounts.
verb (adverb)
  1. to extinguish (a flame, candle, etc) or (of a flame, candle, etc) to become extinguished
  2. (of a tyre) to puncture suddenly, esp at high speed
  3. (of a fuse) to melt suddenly
  4. to diminish or use up the energy of
  5. (of an oil or gas well) to lose oil or gas in an uncontrolled manner
  6. to cancel
  7. to kill oneself by shooting oneself in the head
noun blowout
  1. the sudden melting of an electrical fuse
  2. a sudden burst in a tyre
  3. the uncontrolled escape of oil or gas from an oil or gas well
  4. the failure of a jet engine, esp when in flight
  5. a large filling meal or lavish entertainment
Blowout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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