Boilerplate (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. plating of iron or steel for making the shells of boilers, covering the hulls of ships, etc.
  2. Journalism.
    • syndicated or ready-to-print copy, used especially by weekly newspapers.
    • trite, hackneyed writing.
  3. the detailed standard wording of a contract, warranty, etc.
  4. phrases or units of text used repeatedly, as in correspondence produced by a word-processing system.
  5. frozen, crusty, hard-packed snow, often with icy patches.
  1. a form of mild-steel plate used in the production of boiler shells
  2. a copy made with the intention of making other copies from it
  3. a set of instructions incorporated in several places in a computer program or a standard form of words used repeatedly in drafting contracts, guarantees, etc
  4. a draft contract that can easily be modified to cover various types of transaction
  1. to incorporate standard material automatically in a text
Boilerplate (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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