Booster (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person or thing that boosts, especially an energetic and enthusiastic supporter.
  2. a device connected in series with a current for increasing or decreasing the nominal circuit voltage.
  3. any machine, device, phenomenon, etc., that helps to move a train, as a tailwind, downgrade, roller bearings, or especially a helper locomotive.
  4. an explosive more powerful than a primer, for ensuring the detonation of the main charge of a shell.
  5. Rocketry.
    • a rocket engine used as the principal source of thrust in the takeoff of a rocket or missile.
    • the first stage containing this engine and its fuel supply, which may or may not be detached from the rocket when the fuel has been consumed.
  6. a dose of an immunizing substance given to maintain or renew the effect of a previous one.
  7. a chemical compound, medicinal substance, or the like, that serves as a synergist.
  8. a radio-frequency amplifier for connecting between a radio or television antenna and the receiving set to intensify the received signal.
  9. an auxiliary pump, used in a pipeline or other system, to add to or maintain a prevailing amount of pressure or vacuum.
  10. a shoplifter or petty thief.
  1. a person or thing that supports, assists, or increases power or effectiveness
  2. the first stage of a multistage rocket
  3. radio television
    • a radio-frequency amplifier connected between an aerial and a receiver to amplify weak incoming signals
    • a radio-frequency amplifier that amplifies incoming signals, retransmitting them at higher power
  4. another name for supercharger
  5. short for booster dose
  6. a shoplifter
    Booster (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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