Boot (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a covering of leather, rubber, or the like, for the foot and ankle, and usually all or part of the leg: She wore knee-high boots over her jeans.This plaid shirt will look great with distressed black jeans and a cute pair of ankle boots.
  2. an overshoe, especially one of rubber or other waterproof material: His rain boots protect his dress shoes from the mud.
  3. any sheathlike protective covering: You can use a stiff piece of paper or foil as a boot for a damaged bicycle tire.
  4. a protective covering for the foot and part of the leg of a horse.
  5. a protecting cover or apron for the driver's seat of an open vehicle.
  6. the receptacle into which the top of a convertible car fits when lowered, or the cloth covering for it.
  7. the trunk of an automobile: The spare tire's in the boot.
  8. a kick.
  9. a dismissal; discharge: They gave him the boot for coming in late.
  10. an act or instance of starting up a computer or program.
  11. a rubber covering for the connection between each spark-plug terminal and ignition cable in an automotive ignition system.
  12. a metal device attached to the wheel of a parked car so that it cannot be driven away until a fine is paid or the owner reports to the police: used by police to catch scofflaws.
  13. an instrument of torture for the leg, consisting of a kind of vise extending from the knee to the ankle, tightened around the leg by means of screws.
  14. a recruit.
  15. the box that holds the reed in the reed pipe of an organ.
  16. a sensation of pleasure or amusement: Watching that young skater win a gold medal gave me a real boot.
  17. a fumble of a ball batted on the ground, usually to the infield.
verb (used with object)
  1. to kick; drive by kicking: The boy booted a tin can down the street.
  2. to kick.
  3. to fumble (a ground ball).
  4. Computers.
    • to start (a computer) by loading and initializing the operating system (often followed by up): I can't do that on my tablet so I'll have to boot up my desktop.
    • to start (a program) by loading the first few instructions, which will then bring in the rest (often followed by up).
  5. to expel; discharge: They booted him out of school for selling drugs.
  6. to put boots on; equip or provide with boots.
  7. to attach a Denver boot to: Police will boot any car with unpaid fines.
  8. to torture with a vise tightened around the leg by means of screws.
verb (used without object)
  1. to start a computer or program, or be started in this way (often followed by up): My laptop won't boot and shows a blank screen.
  1. to be sure or certain: You can bet your boots I'll be there!
  2. boots on the ground,
    • troops or forces who are physically present in a military campaign, law enforcement operation, or the like: Will NATO put boots on the ground to enforce the agreement?
    • people who are physically present to carry out work: Some of our volunteers work online, and others work as boots on the ground in several locations.
  3. die with one's boots on,
    • to die while actively engaged in one's work, profession, etc.
    • to die fighting, especially in battle, or in some worthy cause.
  4. to derive keen enjoyment: I really got a boot out of his ridiculous stories.
  1. something given into the bargain.
  2. Obsolete.
    • advantage.
    • remedy; relief; help.
verb (used with or without object)
  1. to be of profit, advantage, or avail (to): It boots thee not to complain.
  1. in addition; besides: We received an extra week's pay to boot.
noun Archaic.
  1. booty; spoil; plunder.
  1. a strong outer covering for the foot; shoe that extends above the ankle, often to the knee
  2. an enclosed compartment of a car for holding luggage, etc, usually at the rear
  3. a protective covering over a mechanical device, such as a rubber sheath protecting a coupling joining two shafts
  4. a rubber patch used to repair a puncture in a tyre
  5. an instrument of torture used to crush the foot and lower leg
  6. a protective covering for the lower leg of a horse
  7. a kick
  8. an ugly person (esp in the phrase old boot)
  9. a navy or marine recruit, esp one in training
  10. computing short for bootstrap (def. 4a)
  11. to be certain
  12. See boots and all
  13. die with one's boots on
    • to die while still active
    • to die in battle
  14. to be servile, obsequious, or flattering towards
  15. put the boot in slang
    • to kick a person, esp when he or she is already down
    • to harass someone or aggravate a problem
    • to finish off (something) with unnecessary brutality
  16. dismissal from employment; the sack
  17. the situation is or has now reversed
  18. self-important or conceited
  1. (esp in football) to kick
  2. to equip with boots
  3. (tr) informal
    • to eject forcibly
    • to dismiss from employment
  4. to start up the operating system of (a computer) or (of a computer) to begin operating
verb (usually impersonal)
  1. to be of advantage or use to (a person)
  1. an advantage
  2. something given in addition, esp to equalize an exchange
  3. as well; in addition
Boot (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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