- the loud, harsh cry of a donkey.
- any similar loud, harsh sound.
- to utter a loud and harsh cry, as a donkey.
- to make a loud, harsh, disagreeable sound.
- to utter with a loud, harsh sound, like a donkey.
- to pound or crush fine, as in a mortar.
- to thin (ink) on a slate before placing on the ink plate of a press.
- (of a donkey) to utter its characteristic loud harsh sound; heehaw
- to make a similar sound, as in laughing
- to utter with a loud harsh sound
- the loud harsh sound uttered by a donkey
- a similar loud cry or uproar
- to distribute (ink) over printing type or plates
- to pound into a powder, as in a mortar
- to hit or beat (someone or something) hard; bang