Breach (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act or a result of breaking; a break or rupture: Many districts were flooded by the river after a breach in an embankment upstream.
  2. an infraction or violation, such as of a law, contract, trust, or promise: If there is a breach of the warranty, we are not liable for damage.
  3. a gap made in a wall, fortification, line of soldiers, etc.; rift; fissure: A breach in the castle walls gave the enemy an entrance.
  4. the unauthorized acquisition, use, or disclosure of customers' or users' personal data: There's no indication of a data breach affecting credit card information.
  5. a severance of friendly relations.
  6. the leap of a whale above the surface of the water.
  7. the breaking of waves; the dashing of surf.
  8. wound1.
verb (used with object)
  1. to make a rupture or opening in: We need new ways to recover salmon without breaching the dams.
  2. to break or act contrary to (a law, promise, etc.): The plaintiff alleges that the defendant has breached the terms of their license.
verb (used without object)
  1. (of a whale) to leap partly or completely out of the water, head first, and land on the back or belly with a resounding splash.
  1. more honored in the breach (than the observance),
    • (of a rule, law, custom, etc.) frequently ignored or rarely carried out: Courtly love was just an ideal, more honored in the breach than the observance.Even the best advice may be more honored in the breach.
    • (of a rule, law, custom, etc.) unjust or ignoble to the point of being better to ignore: They agreed that the promises made to their unfit leader would be more honored in the breach than the observance.
  1. a crack, break, or rupture
  2. a breaking, infringement, or violation of a promise, obligation, etc
  3. any severance or separation
  4. a gap in an enemy's fortifications or line of defence created by bombardment or attack
  5. the act of a whale in breaking clear of the water
  6. the breaking of sea waves on a shore or rock
  7. an obsolete word for wound 1
  1. to break through or make an opening, hole, or incursion in
  2. to break a promise, law, etc
  3. (of a whale) to break clear of the water
Breach (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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