Bread And Butter (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. bread spread with butter.
  2. a basic means of support; source of livelihood; sustenance: The automobile industry is the bread and butter of many Detroiters.
  1. providing a livelihood or basic source of income; supplying the basic needs of life: a bread-and-butter job; the agency's bread-and-butter account.
  2. of or relating to basic needs: housing and other bread-and-butter political issues.
  3. basic or everyday; staple; routine.
  4. expressing thanks for hospitality: a bread-and-butter letter.
  1. a means of support or subsistence; livelihood
  2. bread-and-butter
    • providing a basic means of subsistence
    • solid, reliable, or practical
    • expressing gratitude, as for hospitality (esp in the phrase bread-and-butter letter)
Bread And Butter (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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