Bricolage (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural bri·co·la·ges [bree-kuh-lah-zhiz, ‐lahzh], /ˌbri kəˈlɑ ʒɪz, ‐ˈlɑʒ/, bri·co·lage.
  1. a construction made of whatever materials are at hand; something created from a variety of available things.
  2. (in literature) a piece created from diverse resources.
  3. (in art) a piece of makeshift handiwork.
  4. the use of multiple, diverse research methods.
noun architect
  1. the jumbled effect produced by the close proximity of buildings from different periods and in different architectural styles
  2. the deliberate creation of such an effect in certain modern developments
Bricolage (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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