Browse (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), browsed, brows·ing.
  1. to eat, nibble at, or feed on (leaves, tender shoots, or other soft vegetation).
  2. to graze; pasture on.
  3. to look through or glance at casually or randomly: He's browsing the shelves for something to read.
  4. to access and view (website content) with a Web browser, usually without looking for something specific: a secure way to browse the Web.
verb (used without object), browsed, brows·ing.
  1. to feed on or nibble at foliage, lichen, berries, etc.
  2. to graze.
  3. to glance at random through a book, magazine, etc.
  4. to look leisurely at goods displayed for sale, as in a store.
  5. to access and view websites with a Web browser, as in mobile browsing; online browsing:If you love to browse while on the road, you can easily take advantage of free Wi-Fi .
  1. tender shoots or twigs of shrubs and trees as food for cattle, deer, etc.
  2. an act or instance of browsing.
  1. to look through (a book, articles for sale in a shop, etc) in a casual leisurely manner
  2. to search for and read hypertext, esp on the Internet
  3. (of deer, goats, etc) to feed upon (vegetation) by continual nibbling
  1. the act or an instance of browsing
  2. the young twigs, shoots, leaves, etc, on which certain animals feed
Browse (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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