Bye (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Also by.
  1. in a tournament, the preferential status of a player or team not paired with a competitor in an early round and thus automatically advanced to play in the next round: The top three seeded players received byes in the first round.
  2. the holes of a stipulated course still unplayed after the match is finished.
  3. a run made on a ball not struck by the batsman.
  4. something subsidiary, secondary, or out of the way.
  1. by.
  1. by the way; incidentally: By the bye, how do you spell your name?
  1. goodbye (def. 1).
  1. variant of by-: bye-election.
  1. the situation in which a player or team in an eliminatory contest wins a preliminary round by virtue of having no opponent
  2. one or more holes of a stipulated course that are left unplayed after the match has been decided
  3. a run scored off a ball not struck by the batsman: allotted to the team as an extra and not to the individual batsman
  4. something incidental or secondary
  5. incidentally; by the way: used as a sentence connector
sentence substitute
  1. goodbye
Bye (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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