Calf (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural calves [kavz, kahvz]. /kævz, kɑvz/.
  1. the young of the domestic cow or other bovine animal.
  2. the young of certain other mammals, as elephants, seals, and whales.
  3. calfskin (def. 2).
  4. an awkward, silly boy or man.
  5. a mass of ice detached from a glacier, iceberg, or floe.
  1. (of a cow or other animal having calves) pregnant.
  2. to prepare an elaborate feast in welcome or celebration.
noun, plural calves [kavz, kahvz]. /kævz, kɑvz/.
  1. the fleshy part of the back of the human leg below the knee.
noun plural calves
  1. the young of cattle, esp domestic cattle
  2. the young of certain other mammals, such as the buffalo, elephant, giraffe, and whale
  3. a large piece of floating ice detached from an iceberg, etc
  4. to celebrate lavishly, esp as a welcome
  5. another name for calfskin
noun plural calves
  1. the thick fleshy part of the back of the leg between the ankle and the knee
Calf (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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