Camera (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a device for capturing a photographic image or recording a video, using film or digital memory.
  2. (in a television transmitting apparatus) the device in which the picture to be televised is formed before it is changed into electric impulses.
  1. camera-ready.
  1. off camera,
    • out of the range of a video camera, as a television or motion picture camera: The stunt woman was waiting just off camera for her cue to enter the scene.
    • (of an actor) in one’s private rather than professional life: The two co-stars are best friends off camera.
  2. being filmed or televised by a live camera: Be sure to look alert when you are on camera.
noun, plural cam·er·ae [kam-uh-ree]. /ˈkæm ə ri/.
  1. a judge's private office.
  1. in camera,
    • in the privacy of a judge's chambers.
    • privately.
  1. an optical device consisting of a lens system set in a light-proof construction inside which a light-sensitive film or plate can be positioned
  2. the equipment used to convert the optical image of a scene into the corresponding electrical signals
  3. See camera obscura
  4. a judge's private room
  5. in camera
    • relating to a hearing from which members of the public are excluded
    • in private
  6. not within an area being filmed
  7. (esp of an actor) being filmed
Camera (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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