Canard (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural ca·nards [kuh-nahrdz; French ka-nar]. /kəˈnɑrdz; French kaˈnar/.
  1. a false or baseless, usually derogatory story, report, or rumor.
  2. a duck intended or used for food.
  3. Aeronautics.
    • an airplane that has its horizontal stabilizer and elevators located forward of the wing.
    • one of two small lifting wings located in front of the main wings.
    • an early airplane having a pusher engine with the rudder and elevator assembly in front of the wings.
  1. a false report; rumour or hoax
  2. an aircraft in which the tailplane is mounted in front of the wing
Canard (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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