Cannon (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural can·nons, (especially collectively) can·non.
  1. a mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles; a gun, howitzer, or mortar.
  2. quill (def. 10).
  3. a cylindrical or semicylindrical piece of plate armor for the upper arm or forearm; a vambrace or rerebrace.
  4. a round bit for a horse.
  5. the part of a bit that is in the horse's mouth.
  6. (on a bell) the metal loop by which a bell is hung.
  7. Zoology.
    • cannon bone.
    • the part of the leg in which the cannon bone is situated.
  8. a carom in billiards.
  9. a pickpocket.
verb (used without object)
  1. to discharge cannon.
  2. to make a carom in billiards.
  1. U.S. astronomer.
  2. U.S. politician and legislator.
noun plural -nons or -non
  1. an automatic aircraft gun of large calibre
  2. a heavy artillery piece consisting of a metal tube mounted on a carriage
  3. a heavy tube or drum, esp one that can rotate freely on the shaft by which it is supported
  4. the metal loop at the top of a bell, from which it is suspended
  5. See cannon bone
  6. billiards
    • a shot in which the cue ball is caused to contact one object ball after another
    • the points scored by this
  7. a rebound or bouncing back, as of a ball off a wall
  8. either of the two parts of a vambrace
  1. to collide (with)
  2. short for cannonade
  3. to make a cannon
    Cannon (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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