Capsule (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a gelatinous case enclosing a dose of medicine.
  2. Biology.
    • a membranous sac or integument.
    • either of two strata of white matter in the cerebrum.
    • the sporangium of various spore-producing organisms, such as ferns, mosses, algae, and fungi.
  3. a dry dehiscent fruit, composed of two or more carpels.
  4. a small case, envelope, or covering.
  5. a sealed cabin, container, or vehicle in which a person or animal can ride in flight in space or at very high altitudes within the earth's atmosphere.
  6. a similar cabin in a military aircraft, which can be ejected from the aircraft in an emergency.
  7. a thin metal covering for the mouth of a corked bottle.
  8. a concise report; brief outline: An appendix to the book contains biographical capsules of the contributors.
verb (used with object), cap·suled, cap·sul·ing.
  1. to furnish with or enclose in or as if in a capsule; encapsulate.
  2. to capsulize.
  1. small and compact.
  2. short and concise; brief and summarized: a capsule report.
  3. containing only the most essential and versatile items of a particular kind:capsule wardrobe;capsule pantry.
  1. a soluble case of gelatine enclosing a dose of medicine
  2. a thin metal cap, seal, or cover, such as the foil covering the cork of a wine bottle
  3. botany
    • a dry fruit that liberates its seeds by splitting, as in the violet, or through pores, as in the poppy
    • the spore-producing organ of mosses and liverworts
  4. a gelatinous layer of polysaccharide or protein surrounding the cell wall of some bacteria: thought to be responsible for the virulence in pathogens
  5. anatomy
    • a cartilaginous, fibrous, or membranous envelope surrounding any of certain organs or parts
    • a broad band of white fibres (internal capsule) near the thalamus in each cerebral hemisphere
  6. See space capsule
  7. an aeroplane cockpit that can be ejected in a flight emergency, complete with crew, instruments, etc
  8. in a highly concise form
  9. (in the fashion industry) consisting of a few important representative items
    Capsule (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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