Captain (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who is at the head of or in authority over others; chief; leader.
  2. an officer ranking in most armies above a first lieutenant and below a major.
  3. an officer in the U.S. Navy ranking above a commander and below a rear admiral or a commodore.
  4. a military leader.
  5. an officer in the police department, ranking above a lieutenant and usually below an inspector.
  6. an officer of the fire department, usually in command of a company, ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief or assistant chief.
  7. the commander of a merchant vessel.
  8. the pilot of an airplane.
  9. a local official in a political party responsible for organizing votes on a ward or precinct level.
  10. the field leader of a team: The captain of the home team elected to receive on the kickoff.
  11. a person of great power and influence, especially based on economic wealth.
  12. headwaiter.
  13. bell captain.
  14. an unofficial title of respect for a man (sometimes used humorously or ironically).
verb (used with object)
  1. to lead or command as a captain.
  1. the person in charge of and responsible for a vessel
  2. an officer of the navy who holds a rank junior to a rear admiral but senior to a commander
  3. an officer of the army, certain air forces, and the marine corps who holds a rank junior to a major but senior to a lieutenant
  4. the officer in command of a civil aircraft, usually the senior pilot
  5. the leader of a team in games
  6. a person in command over a group, organization, etc; leader
  7. a police officer in charge of a precinct
  8. (formerly) a head waiter
  9. a supervisor of bellboys in a hotel
  10. a person who is buying drinks for people in a bar
  1. to be captain of
Captain (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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