Care (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern: He was never free from care.
  2. a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.: A massage is an excellent way to forget your cares for a little while.Their son has always been a heavy care to them.
  3. serious attention; solicitude; heed; caution: She devotes great care to her work.
  4. the provision of what is needed for the well-being or protection of a person or thing: He is under the care of a doctor.With proper care, the watch will last a lifetime.
  5. temporary keeping, as for the benefit of or until claimed by the owner: He left his valuables in the care of friends.Address my mail in care of the American Embassy.
  6. grief; suffering; sorrow.
verb (used without object), cared, car·ing.
  1. to be concerned or solicitous; have thought or regard: You can just tell she cares for people's feelings by the way she talks to them.
  2. to be concerned or have a special preference (usually used in negative constructions): I don't care where we go, I just want to get out of town for a bit.
  3. to make provision or look out (usually followed by for): Will you care for the children while I am away?
  4. to have an inclination, liking, fondness, or affection (usually followed by for): Would you care for dessert?I don't care for him very much.
verb (used with object), cared, car·ing.
  1. to feel concern about: He doesn't care what others say.
  2. to wish; desire; like: Would you care to dance?
Verb Phrases
  1. care about,
    • to have concern for or interest in: It's a privilege to stand in the presence of so many people who care about building a better Canada.They don't care about the privacy of the people who use their services.
    • to have affection for; love: One of my greatest joys in life is cooking for those I care about.
  1. could not care less; be completely unconcerned: I couldn't care less whether she goes to the party or not.
  2. take care,
    • be alert; be careful: Take care that you don't fall on the ice!
    • take care of yourself; goodbye: used as an expression of parting.
  3. take care of,
    • to watch over; be responsible for: to take care of an invalid.
    • to deal with; attend to: I'll take care of the bill, and you can go out and get the car started.
  1. a private organization for the collection of funds, goods, etc., for distribution to people in foreign countries who need aid.
  1. to be troubled or concerned; be affected emotionally
  2. to have regard, affection, or consideration (for)
  3. to have a desire or taste (for)
  4. to provide physical needs, help, or comfort (for)
  5. to agree or like (to do something)
  6. I am completely indifferent
  1. careful or serious attention
  2. protective or supervisory control
  3. trouble; anxiety; worry
  4. an object of or cause for concern
  5. caution
  6. at the address of: written on envelopes
  7. made the legal responsibility of a local authority by order of a court
n acronym for
  1. Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc.; a federation of US charities, giving financial and technical assistance to many regions of the world
  2. communicated authenticity, regard, empathy: the three qualities believed to be essential in the therapist practising client-centred therapy
Care (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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