Carelessness (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. failure to pay enough attention to what one is doing; sloppiness: Unlike unavoidable error, a “mistake” in an experiment is something known to be incorrect due to accident, carelessness, or ineptitude.
  2. lack of accuracy or thoroughness: The many instances of carelessness in the book (with references, dates, etc.) detract from its value.
  3. the fact or quality of being said or done thoughtlessly or negligently: You were too quick to make promises you can’t possibly fulfill—which only shows the carelessness of your remarks.
  4. lack of regard or concern for something (usually followed by of,about,for, or toward): He was repulsed by their carelessness and cruelty toward those less fortunate.Her rudeness and arrogance betray her carelessness for other people's feelings.
  5. effortless or artless quality: She is a highly intelligent academic who nevertheless speaks with the simplicity and carelessness of a child.
Carelessness (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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