Carte Blanche (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural cartes blanches [kahrts-blanch, blahnch; French kart blahnsh]. /ˈkɑrts ˈblæntʃ, ˈblɑntʃ; French kart ˈblɑ̃ʃ/.
  1. unconditional authority; full discretionary power: It appears that the government has given the military carte blanche.She was given carte blanche to decorate her room as she wished, perhaps an unwise decision by her parents.
  2. a sheet of paper that is blank except for a signature and given by the signer to another person to write in what they please.
  3. a hand having no face card but with a special scoring value, as in piquet.
noun plural cartes blanches (ˈkɑːts ˈblɑːntʃ, French kart blɑ̃ʃ)
  1. complete discretion or authority
  2. a piquet hand containing no court cards: scoring ten points
Carte Blanche (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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