Ceiling (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the overhead interior surface of a room.
  2. the top limit imposed by law on the amount of money that can be charged or spent or the quantity of goods that can be produced or sold.
  3. Aeronautics.
    • the maximum altitude from which the earth can be seen on a particular day, usually equal to the distance between the earth and the base of the lowest cloud bank.
    • the maximum altitude at which a particular aircraft can operate under specified conditions.
  4. the height above ground level of the lowest layer of clouds that cover more than half of the sky.
  5. a lining applied for structural reasons to a framework, especially in the interior surfaces of a ship or boat.
  6. the ceiling or top of an interior set, made of cloth, a flat, or two or more flats hinged together.
  7. the act or work of a person who makes or finishes a ceiling.
  8. vaulting, as in a medieval church.
  1. to become enraged: When he saw the amount of the bill, he hit the ceiling.
  1. the inner upper surface of a room
    • an upper limit, such as one set by regulation on prices or wages
    • (as modifier)
  2. the upper altitude to which an aircraft can climb measured under specified conditions
  3. the highest level in the atmosphere from which the earth's surface is visible at a particular time, usually the base of a cloud layer
  4. a wooden or metal surface fixed to the interior frames of a vessel for rigidity
Ceiling (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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