Channel (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the bed of a stream, river, or other waterway.
  2. a navigable route between two bodies of water.
  3. the deeper part of a waterway.
  4. a wide strait, as between a continent and an island.
  5. a course into which something may be directed: He hoped to direct the conversation to a new channel.
  6. a route through which anything passes or progresses: channels of trade.
  7. the specific, prescribed, or official course or means of communication: In an emergency he was able to reach the governor without going through channels.
  8. a groove or furrow.
  9. a means of access: He considers the Senate a channel to the White House.
  10. Architecture.
    • a flute in a column, especially one having no fillet between it and other flutes.
    • any of the prominent vertical grooves in a triglyph.
  11. (in jazz or popular music) a bridge.
  12. a frequency band of sufficient width for one- or two-way communication from or to a transmitter used for television, radio, CB radio, telephone, or telegraph communication.
  13. a path for the transfer of signals or data within a computer or between a computer and its peripheral equipment.
  14. Digital Technology.
    • feed (def. 23): Learn how to create your own web channel.
    • a web page or website that distributes frequently updated content by means of a feed: Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
  15. either of the two signals in stereophonic or any single signal in multichannel sound recording and reproduction.
  16. a transient opening made by a protein embedded in a cell membrane, permitting passage of specific ions or molecules into or out of the cell: calcium channel.
  17. a tubular passage for liquids or fluids.
  18. Building Trades.
    • any structural member, as one of reinforced concrete, having the form of three sides of a rectangle.
    • a number of such members: channel in 100-foot lengths.
    • channel iron.
verb (used with object), chan·neled, chan·nel·ing or (especially British) chan·nelled, chan·nel·ling.
  1. to convey through or as through a channel: He channeled the information to us.
  2. to direct toward or into some particular course: to channel one's interests.
  3. to excavate as a channel.
  4. to form a channel in; groove.
  5. to professedly reach or convey messages from (a spiritual guide) by entering a meditative or trancelike state.
  6. to imitate the ideas, appearance, etc., of (a person or thing that is admired): At times he seems to be channeling the late Michael Jackson’s vocal stylings.
verb (used without object), chan·neled, chan·nel·ing or (especially British) chan·nelled, chan·nel·ling.
  1. to become marked by a channel: Soft earth has a tendency to channel during a heavy rain.
  1. a horizontal timber or ledge built outboard from the side of a sailing vessel to spread shrouds and backstays outward.
  1. a broad strait connecting two areas of sea
  2. the bed or course of a river, stream, or canal
  3. a navigable course through a body of water
  4. a means or agency of access, communication, etc
  5. a course into which something can be directed or moved
  6. electronics
    • a band of radio frequencies assigned for a particular purpose, esp the broadcasting of a television signal
    • a path for an electromagnetic signal
    • a thin semiconductor layer between the source and drain of a field-effect transistor, the conductance of which is controlled by the gate voltage
  7. a tubular or trough-shaped passage for fluids
  8. a groove or flute, as in the shaft of a column
  9. computing
    • a path along which data can be transmitted between a central processing unit and one or more peripheral devices
    • one of the lines along the length of a paper tape on which information can be stored in the form of punched holes
  10. short for channel iron
verb -nels, -nelling or -nelled or US -nels, -neling or -neled
  1. to provide or be provided with a channel or channels; make or cut channels in (something)
  2. to guide into or convey through a channel or channels
  3. to serve as a medium through whom the spirit of (a person of a former age) allegedly communicates with the living
  4. to exhibit the traits of (another person) in one’s actions
  5. to form a groove or flute in (a column, etc)
  1. a flat timber or metal ledge projecting from the hull of a vessel above the chainplates to increase the angle of the shrouds
  1. the Channel short for English Channel
    Channel (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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