Chimney (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural chim·neys.
  1. a structure, usually vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off and by means of which a draft is created.
  2. the part of such a structure that rises above a roof.
  3. the smokestack or funnel of a locomotive, steamship, etc.
  4. a tube, usually of glass, surrounding the flame of a lamp to promote combustion and keep the flame steady.
  5. Geology.
    • the vent of a volcano.
    • a narrow vertical fissure between two rock faces or in a rock formation.
  6. a nearly vertical cylindrical oreshoot.
  7. fireplace.
verb (used with object), chim·neyed, chim·ney·ing.
  1. to ascend or descend (a chimney) by repeated bracing of one's feet or back and feet against opposite walls.
verb (used without object), chim·neyed, chim·ney·ing.
  1. to ascend or descend a chimney.
  1. a vertical structure of brick, masonry, or steel that carries smoke or steam away from a fire, engine, etc
  2. another name for flue 1 (def. 1)
  3. short for chimney stack
  4. an open-ended glass tube fitting around the flame of an oil or gas lamp in order to exclude draughts
  5. a fireplace, esp an old and large one
  6. geology
    • a cylindrical body of an ore, which is usually oriented vertically
    • the vent of a volcano
  7. a vertical fissure large enough for a person's body to enter
  8. anything resembling a chimney in shape or function
    Chimney (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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