Chop (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), chopped, chop·ping.
  1. to cut or sever with a quick, heavy blow or a series of blows, using an ax, hatchet, etc. (often followed by down, off, etc.): to chop down a tree.
  2. to make or prepare for use by so cutting: to chop logs.
  3. to cut in pieces; mince (often followed by up): to chop up an onion; to chop meat.
  4. (in tennis, cricket, etc.) to hit (a ball) with a chop stroke.
  5. to weed and thin out (growing cotton) with a hoe.
  6. (of a hound or pack) to attack and kill (a fox that has not begun to run).
verb (used without object), chopped, chop·ping.
  1. to make a quick, heavy stroke or a series of strokes, as with an ax.
  2. to throw or deliver a short blow, especially a downward one while in a clinch.
  3. (in tennis, cricket, etc.) to employ or deliver a chop stroke.
  4. to go, come, or move suddenly or violently.
  1. an act or instance of chopping.
  2. a cutting blow.
  3. a short blow, especially a downward one, executed while in a clinch.
  4. a piece chopped off.
  5. an individual cut or portion of meat, as mutton, lamb, veal, or pork, usually one containing a rib.
  6. crushed or ground grain used as animal feed.
  7. a short, irregular, broken motion of waves; choppiness: There's too much chop for rowing today.
  8. rough, turbulent water, as of a sea or lake.
  9. (in tennis, cricket, etc.) a chop stroke.
  1. cut (def. 92).
verb (used without object), chopped, chop·ping.
  1. to turn, shift, or change suddenly: The wind chopped to the west.
  2. to keep alternating between two states, positions, etc.; vacillate: The grain markets are chopping back and forth day to day because of the uncertain weather forecast.
  3. Obsolete.
    • to barter.
    • to bandy words; argue.
  1. to keep shifting views, plans, practices, etc.: People felt the government was chopping and changing too much on policy commitments.
  2. chop logic,
    • to reason or dispute combatively, often by making unnecessary distinctions or spurious arguments: These men were forced by circumstances to think out how to deal with reality, instead of chopping logic in a university classroom.He chops logic so you won’t notice that he really has no case.
    • reasoning that involves unnecessary distinctions or spurious arguments; rationalization: The court dismissed his defense as “chop logic of the most deceptive kind.”
  1. Usually chops .Also chap.
    • the jaw.
    • the lower part of the cheek; the flesh over the lower jaw.
  2. chops,
    • the oral cavity; mouth.
    • the embouchure or technique necessary to play a wind instrument.
    • musical ability or virtuosity on any instrument, especially in playing jazz or rock.
    • the music or musical part played by an instrumentalist, especially a solo passage.
    • ability, talent, or skill, as in an occupation or activity: He began auditioning for roles in which he would get the chance to prove his acting chops.
  3. an entranceway, as into a body of water.
  4. either of two pieces clasping the end of the suspension spring of a pendulum.
  1. to exert oneself.
  2. to annoy with nagging or criticism: Stop busting my chops—I'll get the job done.
  3. to await with pleasure; anticipate; relish: He was already licking his chops over the expected inheritance.
  1. an official stamp or seal, or a permit or clearance, especially as formerly used in India and China.
  2. a design, corresponding to a brand or trademark, stamped on goods to indicate their identity or quality.
  3. the signature stamp of an artist, printmaker, etc., testifying to the authenticity of a work.
  4. quality, class, or grade: a musician of the first chop.
verb chops, chopping or chopped
  1. to cut (something) with a blow from an axe or other sharp tool
  2. to produce or make in this manner
  3. to cut into pieces
  4. to dispense with or reduce
  5. to move quickly or violently
  6. to hit (a ball) sharply downwards
  7. to punch or strike (an opponent) with a short sharp blow
  8. Western African an informal word for eat
  1. a cutting blow
  2. the act or an instance of chopping
  3. a piece chopped off
  4. a slice of mutton, lamb, or pork, generally including a rib
  5. a share (esp in the phrase get or hop in for one's chop)
  6. Western African an informal word for food
  7. a competition of skill and speed in chopping logs
  8. a sharp downward blow or stroke
  9. not much good; poor
  10. dismissal from employment
verb chops, chopping or chopped
  1. to change direction suddenly; vacillate (esp in the phrase chop and change)
  2. to barter
  3. to use excessively subtle or involved logic or argument
  1. a design stamped on goods as a trademark, esp in the Far East
Chop (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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